例句1.Is the mall a temptation to spend money?购物中心在诱惑你去花钱吗?2.Police detained the mall's general manager for questioning,Xinhua said.新华社说,警察拘留了商城的主要领导进行问话。
3.Another facility is being transformed into a mall.而另一座场馆被改建为购物中心。
4.A worker installs a steel tree outside a shopping mall in beijing.中国北京,一家购物商城外一名工人正在安装圣诞树。
5.Amazon is constructing a giant virtual mall, pouring the profits from its established stores (books, electronics, etc.) in tone wones.亚马逊正在打造一个巨型虚拟购物中心,将现有店铺(如图书、电子产品等)的利润注入新店铺。