这里有几个简短霸气的英语口号建议:• Dream Big, Act Now. 梦想远大,行动立即。
• Impossible is Nothing. 不可能不存在。• Just Do It. 只管去做。• Think Different. 与众不同。• Be Fearless. 毫无畏惧。• Make It Happen. 努力实现。• Challenge Accepted. 挑战接受。
这里有几个简短霸气的英语口号建议:• Dream Big, Act Now. 梦想远大,行动立即。
• Impossible is Nothing. 不可能不存在。• Just Do It. 只管去做。• Think Different. 与众不同。• Be Fearless. 毫无畏惧。• Make It Happen. 努力实现。• Challenge Accepted. 挑战接受。