





1. Word chain game: Students form a circle and one student says a word. The next student must say a word that starts with the last letter of the previous word. For example, if the first word is "cat," the next word could be "turtle."

2. Hot potato: Students pass a ball or other object around the circle while music plays. When the music stops, the student holding the ball must answer a question or do a task.

4. Alphabet game: Students take turns saying a word that starts with the next letter of the alphabet. For example, if the first word is "apple," the next word could be "basket."

5. Celebrity heads: Students write the name of a famous person on a post-it note and stick it on their forehead. They then have to ask yeso questions to try and figure out who they are.您需要更明确地告诉我您需要什么方面的帮助。
