例句:1、船队中最大的一艘船被称为“宝船”,其船身长达133米,船桅多达九根,可搭载一千人。The largest vessels, 133meterlong "treasure ships," had up to nine masts and could carry a thousand people.2、百事特蜂王宝对血清SOD和过氧化脂质活力的影响。Experiment of best bee treasure on serum SOD and lipid peroxide.3、当弗林特埋宝的时候,我在他的船上。I were in Flint's ship when he buried the treasure.4、家有老人便是宝。An old man is treasure of a family.5、而碧玉、珊瑚、琉璃,咸为国之宝。Jade, coral, glaze are all the treasure of the country.