英式读音 [kaʊ]美式读音 [kaʊ]n.奶牛,乳牛; 母兽; 雌(象,鲸等); <侮辱>对女性的蔑称;vt.恐吓; 吓唬; 威胁;①造句:He kept a few dairy cows 翻译:他养了几头奶牛。
②造句:By this time she was so cowed by the beatings that she meekly obeyed.翻译:这时她已经被打怕了,只得言听计从。
③造句:Dad went out to milk the cows. 翻译:爸爸出去挤牛奶。相关俗语sacred cow:神圣不可侵犯cash cow:摇钱树Play the lute to a cow: 对牛弹琴The cow eating grass:老牛啃嫩草Holy cow:(口头语)不会吧! 哇赛! 【牛】还可以用这几个英语单词表示:
①菜牛beef cattle; ②纯种公牛pedigree bull; ③公牛bull;④母牛cow; ⑤奶牛milk cow;dairy cattle; ⑥水牛water buffalo; ⑦小牛calf.