





1. We need to go back down. 我们该下山了.\"We need to go back down.\" 这句话值得学习之处在于,老美常常在 go 或是 come 之后连放两个副词来同时表达「方向」和「目地」。

例如在同样的句子我可能会说,\"We need to go back.\" 或是 \"We need to go down.\" 但我就不会想到把 back 和 down 连用便成了,\"We need to go back down.\" 这样子用法的好处在于可以同时表达出,「回去」和「下去」这两个概念。听到这句话时让我想起以前也常听妈妈在叫她的小孩回来,\"Come back over here.\" 当然你也可以单说,\"Come back.\" (回来),或是 \"Come over here.\" (过来这里。),但是把 back 和 over here 连用就成了 \"Come back over here.\" 也就是回来这里的意思。

2. We have folks passing us. 有人要超过我们.Folks 这个字指的是一群人,跟 people 的意思是差不多的。但是 folks 这个字的好用之处在于,它可以用来指一群跟自己有点关系,但又称不上是 friends 的人们。最简单的例子,假设我今天要发一封 e-mail 给系上同学,e-mail 的开头就可以写 Hi folks, 当然如果不嫌肉麻的话写 Hi my friends, 也可以,但是就不能说成 Hi people, 啦!另外 pass 这个字是当「超过」解释,所以整句话 \"We have folks passing us.\" 的意思就是「有人要超过我们。」或是在开车时则是指 「有人想要超车。」当时因为爬山时山路狭窄,只能容一个人通过。所以当我想走快一点超过前面的人时,他们当中就有一个人提醒其他的同伴们说,\"We have folks passing us.\" 请大家先靠边站,把路让出来给后面的人先行通过。而今天如果我是要超过别人的那个人,我必须说声 \"Excuse me.\" 或是 \"Excuse us.\" (两人或两人以上),以示礼貌。而且我发现以前在国内时都是除非路完全被别人堵住了我才会说借过一下,但是在美国,个人的感觉是,只要那个


Here are some interesting English sentences about mountain climbing:

The view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking.

The hike was challenging, but the scenic views made it worth it.

Climbing to the summit was a rewarding experience.

The climb was exhausting, but the stunning views at the top made it all worth it.

The rocks were slippery, but we managed to climb to the top anyway.

The sunrise/sunset view from the mountaintop was breathtaking.

The climb was steep and difficult, but the beautiful flowers and wildlife along the way made it enjoyable.

The summit was reached after hours of hard climbing, and it was worth all the effort.

The clouds cleared up just as we reached the top of the mountain, giving us an unobstructed view of the surrounding scenery.

The hike was tiring, but we made it to the peak just before sunrise, and the view was absolutely breathtaking.
