它们通常包括圆括号()、方括号[]和花括号{}。圆括号是最常用的类型,用来添加额外的注释或说明,例如:The winner (John) received a prize.方括号用于删除文字中的某些内容,或者表示选择项,例如:The [quick] brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.花括号用于组合列表或项目,例如:I need to buy {apples, bananas, oranges} for the party.现在,让我们用括号写一个简短的段落:Last weekend, my family and I visited the local zoo (which is quite famous for its pandas). We saw many animals, including lions, tigers, and even an elephant! The zoo also had a special event for children (a petting zoo), where they could touch and feed some of the animals. It was a fun day for everyone.