一、起飞前常用口语: 1、morning, madam(sir). welcome board!早上好,女士(先生)。
欢迎登机!2、may i introduce myself, i''m ___, the chief purser of this flight.请允许自我介绍。我叫___,本次航班的乘主任务长。
3、morning, sir. welcome aboard. business class or economy?早上好,先生。欢迎登机。坐公务还是经济舱?4、the plane is about to take off. please don''t walk about in the cabin.飞机马上要起飞了,请不要在客舱内走动。
二、服务常用口语1、would you like anything to drink first?您想先喝点什么?2、hank you for waiting sir.here you are.anything more?谢谢,让您久等了。这是您的'饭和咖啡,还要点什么?3、how about the sweet?甜食要不要?4、the flight has been delayed because of bad weather.由于天气恶劣,航班已经延误。