to be continue 是错误的”to be“ 表示被动, 因此 continue 要用被动语态 continuedto be continued 意思是 ”待续“(直译是 ”等待被继续下去例句:Looking back at last month's article,I noticed that I ended with "to be continued".回顾了一下上月的文章,我发现我在结尾处用了"未完待续"。
A failed process causes a task to be unable to continue.失败的流程会导致任务无法继续。to be continued:未完待续;待续(用于报刊上连载的文章等)例句:egin, or to be continued& All is just a beginning!开端还是继续,一切只是开始!、If press minimize button then to be continue.若要继续运行,请按下最小化按扭。Selfish, Lie, Debauched , Greed, Spite, (to be continue.自私,欺骗,糜烂,贪婪,怨恨(待续