KENWOOD n. 日本建伍(公司名)双语例句:
1. He and his wife, Laurie, a dental assistant, owned a ranch house in Kenwood,Calif., in the Sonoma Valley. 他和做牙医助理的妻子在加利福尼亚州Kenwood的索诺玛山谷拥有一座带牧场的房子。
2.It is located in the community of Hyde Park--- South Kenwood, a culturaly rich and ethnically diverse neighborhood, seven miles south of downtown Chicago. 它座落在南肯伍德海德公园社区内。 南肯伍德是位于芝加哥市以南七英里,一个多民族多文化交融的地区。
3.Their home is in the Kenwood neighborhood, next to Hyde Park. 他们家位于海德公园附近的肯伍德区。