下面用不同引导词、不同时态举10个宾语从句例子:1、She said that she was hungry. 她说她饿了。
2、The teacher told us that the light travels faster than the sound老师告诉我们光速比声速传播得快。
3、I wonder if the weather will be sunny tomorrow.我想知道明天天气是否晴朗。
4、He wants to know where you live.他想知道你住在哪里。
5、She is looking for which flight will fly to Beijing..她正在查找哪趟航班飞往北京。
5、I want to know what your name is.我想知道你的名字。
6、He asked who was your sister.他问谁是你的妹妹。
7、The teacher suggested that we should have a dicuss.老师建议我们应该讨论一下。8、She asked when we would start.她问我们什么时候出发。9、Tim wonders where we will go for a picnic.蒂姆想知道我们要去哪里野餐。10、I want to know how we shall go to the museum.我想知道我们如何去博物馆。