1. 确定句子的主语(Subject)和宾语(Object)。
2. 将宾语移到句子开头,作为新句子的主语。
3. 在宾语后加上“被”或“由”,然后加上执行者(原句子的主语)。
4. 使用适当的助动词来构成被动语态。如果原句子的谓语(动词)是不及物动词,则不需要使用助动词。
5. 原句子的谓语要变为过去分词形式。例如:主动语态:Tom ate an apple.被动语态:An apple was eaten by Tom.现在,让我们用这些步骤来写一篇关于如何改变英语句子为被动语态的短文。In English grammar, changing a sentence from active voice to passive voice involves rearranging the components of the sentence and using different verb forms. To make this change, identify the subject and object in the active sentence. The subject is the one performing the action, while the object is receiving it. In the passive voice, the object becomes the new subject, and you must indicate who or what performed the action. This is done by placing \