First, let me introduce myself. My name is [teacher’s name], and I am your English teacher. I come from [teacher’s home town/city], and I have been teaching English for [number of years] years. I really love teaching because I enjoy seeing my students learn and grow. Now, it’s your turn to introduce yourself. [Call on each student to introduce themselves].
Now, let’s learn some new vocabulary words related to sports. [Write new vocabulary words on the board and define/explain each one.]
After learning these new words, we are going to play a game called “What’s missing?” I will show you a picture with some of the vocabulary words we just learned. You will look at the picture for a few seconds and then I will cover it up. You will then have to tell me what word is missing from the picture. [Display the picture and cover it up after a few seconds. Allow time for students to identify the missing word.]