乔布斯的临终遗言《醒悟》: I have come to the pinnacle of success in business.在别人的眼里,我的人生就是成功的一个缩影。
In the eyes of others, my life has been the symbol of success.但是,除了工作之外,我却少有其他欢乐。到生命之终,我只不过习惯了财富这一生活事实罢了。However, apart... from work, I have little joy. Finally, my wealth is simply a fact to which I am accustomed.此时,我在躺在病榻上,回顾我的一生,我意识到,我一生所骄傲的所有的名声和财富,在即将到来的死亡面前显得毫无意义。At this time, lying on the hospital bed and remembering all my life, I realize that all the accolades and riches of which I was once so proud, have become insignificant with my imminent death.在黑暗中,我看着辅助仪器上的绿灯,听着嗡嗡作响的机械声,我能感觉到上帝和死亡即将来临的气息......In the dark, when I look at green lights, of the equipment for artificial respiration and feel the buzz of their mechanical sounds, I can feel the breath of my approaching death looming over me.现在我知道,当我们已经积累了足够的财富来维持我们的生活时,我们应该追求那些跟财富豪无相关的其他东西Only now do I understand that once you accumulate enough money for the rest of your life, you have to pursue objectives that are not related to wealth.那些更重要的东西:It should be something more important:比如感情关系,艺术,或许是年轻时的梦想...For example, stories of love, art, dreams of my childhood.不断的财富追求只会把一个人变成了一个就像我一样的扭曲的行尸走肉。No, stop pursuing wealth, it can only make a person into a twisted being, just like me.上帝把感官赐予了我们,让我们感受每个人内心的爱,而不是由财富带来的虚幻的感觉,带不走的是我一生所获得的财富。God has made us one way, we can feel the love in the heart of each of us, and not illusions built by fame or money, like I made in my life, I cannot take them with me.带得走的仅是由爱沉淀的记忆。I can only take with me the memories that were strengthened by love.这些才是真正陪伴你的,给你力量和光的财富。This is the true wealth that will follow you; will accompany you, he will give strength and light to go ahead.爱可传播千里。人生没有限制。去你想去的地方。达到你想达到的高度。一切都在你的心和手中。Love can travel thousands of miles and so life has no limits. Move to where you want to go. Strive to reach the goals you want to achieve. Everything is in your heart and in your hands.世界上什么是最昂贵的床?- “病床”…What is the world's most expensive bed? The hospital bed.你可以聘请某人来为你开车,为你赚钱,但你不能让别人为你生病。You, if you have money, you can hire someone to drive your car, but you cannot hire someone to take your illness that is killing you.失去了物质的东西都可以找到。但有一件东西,当它失去了就永远就永远找不到了 - “生命”。Material things lost can be found. But one thing you can never find when you lose: life.无论我们现在处在什么阶段,随着时间的推移,我们要面对大幕徐徐落下的那一天。Whatever stage of life where we are right now, at the end we will have to face the day when the curtain falls.像宝贝一样爱你的家人,你的配偶,你的朋友...Please treasure your family love, love for your spouse, love for your friends...善待自己。珍爱他人。Treat everyone well and stay friendly with your neighbours.