We wear clothes to keep our bodies warm.另一个和穿衣有关的笑话和我的臀部有关。The other clothing joke had to do with my rear.但女主人仍然嘲笑她的穿衣方式。But the mistress still mocked at her dressing mode.每一种风格的服饰都有其特定的时间,场合,我们不能将他们的不同特征模型化,我们必须知道针对不同场合的穿衣风格。Each style has its own adaptation of the time, place, and we must not set their own style in amodel, we must know the style of dress for each occasion.不管你是何感想,起床,穿衣然后出去展示自己。No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.但就在他变得难以行走,而且早上难以穿衣的时候 --我看着他挣扎得越来越厉害 --我父亲却从来没有抱怨过他的困难。But even as it got harder for him to walk and get dressed in the morning -- I saw him strugglemore and more -- my father never complained about his struggle.她的音乐反映出她简约的穿衣风格。Her music reflects her simple style of dressing.数百年来,从纸娃娃到芭比娃娃,女孩们玩弄各种娃娃,为他们穿衣。For hundreds of years, girls have played with dolls and dressed them up, from paper dolls toBarbie.