"Keep up" 和 "carry on" 是两个常见的英语短语,它们在含义上有一些不同。
1. "Keep up" 的含义是“继续保持,不断前进”,用来鼓励或表扬某人做得好并继续保持下去。比如:- You're doing great in your studies! Keep up the good work!(你在学业上做得非常好!继续保持好状态!)- She's been exercising every day and has lost weight. She needs to keep up the good work.(她每天都在锻炼身体,已经瘦了。她需要继续保持好状态。)
2. "Carry on" 的含义是“继续,不停止”,通常用来鼓励或指示某人继续进行某项任务或活动。比如:- Carry on with your work while I go get some coffee.(我去冲杯咖啡,你继续工作。)- Despite the rain, the soccer game carried on.(尽管下着雨,足球比赛仍在进行。)所以,"keep up" 和 "carry on" 在意义上有些区别,但它们的共同点是都表示持续进行某项活动或任务。