





一、Mom英: [mɒm]美 :[mɑm]例句:1、回家去吧,要不你妈妈会担心的。

Go home. Otherwise your mother will be worried.2、妈妈的叮嘱至今仍在我耳边回荡。My mother’s exhortation resounds in my ears to this day.3、妈妈瞪了我一眼,我不敢吭声了。Mother shot a glare at me, and I dared not say another word.4、我有一次逃课是去医院看我妈妈。I was truant once when I went to the hospital to see my mother.5、我得回去,妈妈可能给我留饭了。I must go home for dinner because my mother might have saved some for me.6、我隔三岔五给妈妈买点儿东西。I buy my mother something every now and then.7、妈妈整日整夜地守在女儿床边。The mother sat by her daughter’s bedside day and night.8、打他能记事儿的时候起妈妈就有病。His mother has been ill since his memory began.9、她爸爸是白人,她妈妈是黑人。She has a white father and a black mother.二、mother英: [ˈmʌðə]美 :[ˈmʌðər]1、His mother had drilled into him the need to pay for one's sins.他母亲反复地给他灌输恶有恶报的必然性。

2、She didn't want to be like her mother, tied to a feckless man.她可不想像她母亲,受制于一个不负责任的男人。

3、She had forgotten how to conjure up the image of her mother's face.她已想不起她母亲的脸长得什么样了。

4、The mother of one of the victims has described his assailants as savages.一个受害者的母亲把攻击者形容成野蛮人。

5、She works on the feeling of severance, of being deprived of her mother.她着力表现骨肉分离的情感,那种被夺走母亲的感觉。

6、Ask the mother if she minds the offspring getting paddled from time to time.问问那位母亲是否在乎孩子们不时地挨打受罚。

7、She found it hard to look on her mother with much charity.她发现很难以宽容的态度看待她母亲。8、She felt that inquiring into her father's past would be disloyal to her mother.她觉得打听她父亲的过去就是对她母亲的不忠。9、The early work of Sturtevant and Morgan was mother's milk to geneticists.斯特蒂文特和摩根的早先研究为遗传学家提供了丰富的源泉。10、A single mother and her children have been evicted from their home.一位单身母亲和她的孩子们被赶出了他们的家。
