1. Hypothesis(假设) - Example sentence: Our hypothesis is that exercise improves cognitive function.(我们的假设是锻炼能提高认知功能。)
2. Elusive(难以捉摸的) - Example sentence: The solution to the problem proved to be elusive.(解决问题的方法证明是难以捉摸的。)
3. Aesthetic(美学的,审美观的) - Example sentence: As an artist, I have a strong aesthetic sense.(作为一个艺术家,我有着强烈的审美观。)
4. Subconscious(潜意识的) - Example sentence: Our subconscious minds may influence our behavior without us realizing it.(我们的潜意识可能会在不自觉的情况下影响我们的行为。)
5. Eclectic(折衷的,兼收并蓄的) - Example sentence: The architect's design was an eclectic mix of traditional and modern elements.(这位建筑设计师的设计是将传统与现代元素兼收并蓄。)
6. Eradicate(消灭,根除) - Example sentence: The government has implemented policies to eradicate poverty in the country.(政府已经采取了措施来消除国家的贫困。)7. Quintessential(典型的,缩影的) - Example sentence: The film is a quintessential representation of American culture.(这部电影是美国文化的缩影。)8. Grandiose(宏伟的,壮丽的) - Example sentence: The architect's grandiose vision for the building was unveiled at the exhibition.(建筑师宏伟的的建筑构想在展览会上揭晓。)9. Neophyte(新手,初学者) - Example sentence: As a neophyte in the field, I have much to learn from experienced professionals.(作为这个领域的新手,我有很多要从有经验的的专业人士那里学习。)10. Ambivalent(矛盾的,模棱两可的) - Example sentence: I feel ambivalent about the proposal, considering both its advantages and disadvantages.(我对这个提案感到矛盾,因为它既有利也有弊。)请将这些生词加入到您的单词本中,并通过例句来熟悉它们的用法。在实际应用中,您还可以根据自己的需求和语境来修改或创造更多的句子。同时,不要忘了定期复习,以巩固记忆。祝您学习进步!