为了更好地规范班级成员的行为,形成一个健康向上、团结互助的集体氛围,特制定如下班规:In order to better standardize the behavior of the members of the class, the formation of a healthy and solidarity of the collective atmosphere, specially make the following rules:一.按照学校作息表,按时到校,认真做“两操”;按时就座等候上课,按计划进行课程。
. according to the school schedule list, get to school on time, and seriously do \"speaking\"; time to sit waiting for school, according to the plan of course.二.遵守课堂纪律,依照教师的安排进行课堂活动,做好应做笔记,并按时完成作业。Two. Comply with classroom discipline, in accordance with the arrangement of teachers to carry out classroom activities, do a good job should take notes, and finish the job on time.三.自习课自觉学习各门课程,安静而专心。Three. Self-study class consciously learn the course, quiet and concentrate.四.爱护公共环境和公共财物,不乱抛垃圾,不乱涂乱划/画。Four. Care for the public environment and public property, not littering, not to scribble scratch / painting.五.不在教室内打牌或进行其他影响他人正常活动的行为。Five. Not in the classroom to play cards or other activities affecting the normal activities of others.六.用语文明,举止、发言有分寸,尊重和维护他人的正当权益。Six. The term civilization, manners, speech sense, respect and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of others.七.劳动积极,依照安排各自完成应尽义务。(每日的清洁工作包括清扫卫生区、清扫教室、擦黑板、抹走廊栏杆、摆正桌椅,并把清洁工具摆放整齐。)Seven. Positive work, according to the arrangement of their respective obligations to complete. (daily cleaning work including sweeping health district, cleaning the classroom, blackboard eraser, wiping corridor railings, adjust desks and chairs and put the cleaning tools in order.八.自觉维护班集体利益,离开教室时注意关闭门窗。Eight. Consciously safeguard class collective interests, attention to close the doors and windows when leaving the classroom.九.依照学校规定穿着,注意仪表的整洁大方;朴素节约,不攀比、显摆身外之物。Nine. In accordance with the provisions in the school, pay attention to the instrument clean and generous; simple savings, not competition, showing off things.十.放学后进行正当的活动,在家坚持学习,可阅读健康有益的课外书籍和观看科学性的电视节目。不去网吧和机室及其他娱乐场所。Ten. After school to carry out legitimate activities, in the home to study, can read the health benefits of extracurricular books and watch science television programs. Do not go to Internet cafes and other places of entertainment and entertainment.