是:pm;例句:The regular opening hours of that shoe shop are 9 am to 6 pm.那家鞋店的正常营业时间是从上午9点到下午6点。
扩展资料The spa closes at 9:00 pm.休闲健身中心晚上9点关门。The players are barred from going out after 11 pm.夜里11点之后运动员不得外出。Minimum quiet hours in all campus residences are 11:00 pm to 8:00 am Sunday through Thursday.所有校园住宅的最短安静时间为周日至周四晚上11:00至上午8:00。Departing form the Cannery 5 : 00 pm and 7 : 00 pm下午5:00-7:00从罐头厂出发Departing from the Cannery 7 : 00 pm and 9 : 00 pm下雨7:00-9:00从罐头厂出发