1. Good morning/afternoon, class! - 早上/下午好,同学们!
2. Let's begin/start the lesson, shall we? - 让我们开始上课吧,好吗?
3. Please take out your textbooks/workbooks. - 请拿出你们的课本/练习册。
4. Turn to page XX. - 翻到第XX页。
5. Listen carefully/attentively, everyone. - 大家请认真听讲。
6. Raise your hand if you have a question. - 如果有问题,请举手。
7. Can you repeat/clarify that, please? - 请你重复/澄清一下。8. Work in pairs/groups. - 请两人/小组合作。9. Let's do an exercise/practice activity. - 让我们做一个练习活动。10. Time's up! Please stop working. - 时间到了!请停止工作。11. Who would like to share their answer/idea? - 谁愿意分享他们的答案/想法?1
2. Well done/good job, everyone! - 大家做得很好!1
3. Let's move on to the next topic. - 让我们继续下一个话题。1
4. Take a breakest for a few minutes. - 休息几分钟。1
5. Homework assignment for tonight is... - 今晚的作业是...1
6. Any questions before we finish? - 结束前有什么问题吗?17. Pack up your belongings and get ready to leave. - 收拾好你们的物品,准备离开。18. See you all next class! - 下节课见!