






想靠近又不敢声张。但事后又庆幸自己大着胆子迈出了那一步。更庆幸身边这个人也同样……毫无顾忌地朝他走来)All cautious mood, uncontrollable thoughts.Want to be close to but dare not make a sound.But then I was glad I had the nerve to take that step.I'm lucky that this person around me is also...He walked towards him without scruple.(阳光从窗户外边洒进来,这阵近乎刺眼的光被窗帘遮着,恰好有风将窗帘吹起,永远对不齐的课桌椅,载满粉笔字的黑板,还有教室里的所有同学们,整个被照得发起光来。他们身上穿着同款卫衣,背后四个大字:爱与和平。)The sun from the window outside the spill in, this nearly dazzling light is blocked by the curtain, just the wind will blow the curtain, always on the uneven desks and chairs, loaded with chalk words of the blackboard, and all the students in the classroom, the whole is lit up light.They wore matching hoodies with the words "love and peace" on the back.(我爱你,不过有时候爱也是一种负担。我也很感谢你,谢谢你来到我身边。)But sometimes love can be a burden.Thank you, too, for being here.


1. I ain't got no time for this English nonsense.

2. English is soooo boring, man.

3. Can you just give me the answer? I don't want to waste my time on English.

4. I don't need to study English. It's such a useless subject.

5. I'm just gonna copy someone else's work. English is not worth my effort.
