第一,英语bat组词right off the bat 意思是:从一开始We managed to have an agreement with him right off the bat.从一开始,我们就和他达成了一项协议。bat around 意思是:频繁旅行I am always batting around between Beijing and Shanghai.我总是在京沪之间频繁旅行。like a bat out of hell 意思是:极快(带贬义)She was driving like a bat out of hell.她驾车疯一般快。not bat an eye 意思是:不在意,不上心When my boyfriend told me why he was late, I pretended to not bat an eye.当我男朋友告诉我他为什么迟到,我假装毫不在意。第二,问BAT指什么?曾经指Baidu Alibaba和Tecent。称呼百度、阿里巴巴和腾讯三家公司为BAT。如今这个词被替换为字节跳动,阿里巴巴和腾讯了。差别在于Beidu让位给了ByteDance。Chinese are proud of having BAT. Almost everyone used the products and the services provided by BAT.