1. Have you ever been to the Summer Palace? 你去过颐和园吗?
3. How do you like the Kunming Lake and the Long Corridor? 你觉得昆明湖和长廊怎么样?
4. What's the best time to visit the Summer Palace? 去颐和园最好的时间是什么时候?
6. What do you think of the architecture in the Summer Palace? 你觉得颐和园里的建筑怎么样?
7. Have you tried the local snacks or street food near the Summer Palace? 你尝试过颐和园附近的本地小吃或街头食品吗?
8. Would you recommend the Summer Palace to your friends who plan to visit Beijing? 你会向计划去北京旅游的朋友推荐颐和园吗?