As soon as he squatted down, the kittens jumped out one by one and ran towards the house.2、这斑驳的树影清晰地投在小路上,好似一幅幅浓淡相宜的剪纸画。The mottled tree shadow is clearly cast on the path, like a piece of paper-cut painting with appropriate shade.3、声音又响又脆,像炒豆子似的。The sound is loud and crisp, like fried beans.4、一株株挺拔笔直的椰子树,在蔚蓝的天空下,叶子像孔雀尾似的散开。A tall and straight coconut tree, in the blue sky, leaves like peacock tail spread.5、早晨,太阳像个刚出门的新媳妇,羞答答地露出半个脸来。In the morning, the sun, like a new daughter-in-law who had just left the house, showed half of her face in shame.