1. What's your name? - My name is Jack.你叫什么名字? - 我叫杰克。
2. How old are you? - I'm ten years old.你几岁了? - 我十岁。
3. Where are you from? - I'm from China.你来自哪里? - 我来自中国。
4. What's your favorite color? - My favorite color is blue.你最喜欢的颜色是什么? - 我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。
5. Do you like sports? - Yes, I love playing basketball.你喜欢运动吗? - 是的,我喜欢打篮球。
6. What's your favorite subject at school? - I really enjoy studying English.你在学校最喜欢的科目是什么? - 我非常喜欢学习英语。
7. How many family members do you have? - I have two sisters and one brother.你有几个家庭成员? - 我有两个姐妹和一个弟弟。8. What do you want to be when you grow up? - I want to be a doctor.你长大后想成为什么? - 我想成为一名医生。9. How do you go to school? - I go to school by bus.你是怎么去学校的? - 我坐公交车去学校。10. Can you speak any other languages? - Yes, I can speak a little bit of Spanish.你会说其他语言吗? - 是的,我会说一点点西班牙语。