My hometown is in Shanxi, shanxi is located in north China, east and Hebei, west and Shaanxi, south and Henan borders, north and Inner Mongolia, between 34°34 '-40 °44' north latitude, 110°14 '-114 °33' east longitude, a total area of 156;700 square kilometers.我的家乡在山西,山西位于中国华北,东与河北为邻,西与陕西相望,南与河南接壤,北与内蒙古毗连,介于北纬34°34-40°44',东经110°14'-114°33'之间,总面积15.67万平方千米。
The terrain of Shanxi Province is a parallelogram sloping from northeast to southwest. It is a typical mountainous plateau covered by loess. The terrain is high in northeast and low in southwest.山西省地势呈东北斜向西南的平行四边形,是典型的为黄土覆盖的山地高原,地势东北高西南低。The interior of the plateau is undulating, and the valleys are vertical and horizontal, with mountains, hills, platforms and plains, and the mountainous area accounts for 80.1% of the total area.高原内部起伏不平,河谷纵横,地貌有山地、丘陵、台地、平原,山区面积占总面积的80.1%。Shanxi Province across the Yellow River, haihe river two major water system, the river is a self-produced outflow type of water system. Shanxi Province is located in the middle latitude of the inland, a temperate continental monsoon climate.山西省地跨黄河、海河两大水系,河流属于自产外流型水系。山西省地处中纬度地带的内陆,属温带大陆性季风气候。