





1. Good morning/afternoon, everyone! 大家早上/下午好!

2. Today, we are going to learn... 今天我们要学习...

3. Please open your books and turn to page... 请打开书本,翻到第...页。

4. Let's start with a review. 我们从复习开始。

5. Who can answer this question? 谁能回答这个问题?

6. Please read the text after me. 请跟着我读课文。

7. Can you spell this word? 你能拼写这个单词吗?8. Please write the sentence on the blackboard. 请在黑板上写下这个句子。9. Let's do a group activity. 我们来进行一个小组活动。10. Please work in pairs/groups. 请两两/分组合作。11. How do you pronounce this word? 这个单词怎么发音?1

2. Please listen carefully. 请认真听。1

3. Can you give me an example? 你能给我一个例子吗?1

4. Please repeat after me. 请跟着我重复。1

5. Let's sing a song together. 我们一起唱首歌。1

6. Please stand up when you answer the question. 回答问题时请站起来。17. Don't be shy, try to speak English as much as possible. 不要害羞,尽量多说英语。18. Please pay attention to the pronunciation. 请注意发音。19. Can you tell me the meaning of this word? 你能告诉我这个单词的意思吗?20. Great job! 做得好!
