






(I改成you,my改成your,some 改成any,)如:a:He is my father.改一般疑问句:Is he your father?b: I am fine.改一般疑问句:Are you fine?2.把情态单词can,shall, wil,must等放到句首,剩下的照抄,句号改成问号。(I改成you,my改成your,some 改成any)如:a:I can draw.改一般疑问句:Can you draw?b: I will come to the party.改一般疑问句:Will you come to the party?3.助动词Do/Does/Did放在句首,句号改成问号。其结构:助动词+ 主语 + 动词原形 + 其它?如:a:I like apples.改一般疑问句:Do you like apples?b: Amy reads books every evening.改一般疑问句:Does Amy read books every evening?c: Amy read books last night.改一般疑问句:Did Amy read books last night?注意:句首的第一个字母要大写,句尾标点应为“?”。

4、 就一般疑问句回答一般疑问句有两种回答,即:肯定回答和否定回答。其中,肯定回答用yes,否定回答用no。be动词或情态动词的一般疑问句的回答:肯定回答用Yes,主语+be\\情态动词.”,否定回答用“No,主语+be\\情态动词+not.”。be或情态动词和not可用缩写形式,主要有isn’t,aren’t,wasn’t,weren’t,can’t,mustn’t,needn’t等。如:Is he your father?肯定回答:Yes,he is.否定回No,he isn't.Can you speak English?肯定回答:Yes,I can.否定回答:No,I can’t.行为动词的一般疑问句的回答:肯定回答用“Yes, 主语+ do\\does.”,否定回答用“No, 主语+do\\does not.”。助动词也常用缩写形式,主要有don’t,doesn’t,didn’t等。如:Do you like apples?肯定回答:Yes,I do.否定回No,I don't.(二)肯定句改否定句的方法 :

1. 在be动词后直接加not如:is not, are not,am notI am a girl. → I am not a girl.You are a student. →You are not a student.→You aren’t a student.2.在情态动词can,should, will等后加not如:can not, should not,will not;Li Lei can swim. → Li Lei cannot( can't )swim.He will go to the zoo if it rains tomorrow.→ He will not(won't)go to the zoo if itrains tomorrow.3.上述都没有的,在动词前加助动词否定形式don't/doesn't/didn'ta: 句中第一个动词是原形时,在其前加上don’t。如:I get up at six o'clock every day.→ I don't get up at six o'clock every day.b: 句中第一个动词是三单形式时,在其前加上doesn’t,原来的动词三单形式改为动词原形。如:Mr Wang works in a factory.→ Mr Wang doesn't work in a factory.C: 句中第一个动词是过去式时,在其前加上didn’t,原来的动词过去式改为动词原形。如:I watched TV last night.→I didn't watch TV last night.4、 some 改成any。(三)对划线部分提问对划线部分提问的程序:一找:找特殊疑问词二代:用特殊疑问词代替划线部分三移:把特殊疑问词移到句首四变:未划线部分变为一般疑问句★特殊疑问词的确定要根据划线内容而定,在小学阶段常出现的有以下几种:

1. 划线部分是“事或物”,特殊疑问词用what如: This is a book.---What is this?I often play football on Saturdays .---What do you often do on Saturdays ?2.划线部分是“人”,特殊疑问词用who如:He is my brother. ---Who is he ?3、划线部分是“地点”,特殊疑问词用where如:The box is on the desk.---Where is the box ?4、划线部分是“时间”,特殊疑问词用what time或when如:It's seven twenty . ---What time is it ?I usually get up at six . --- When do you usually get up?5、划线部分是“年龄”,特殊疑问词用how old如:I am twelve . ---How old are you?My father is thirty-three . ---How old is your father ?6、划线部分是“职业”,特殊疑问词用what如:Mike is a worker. ---What is Mike ?7、划线部分是“颜色”,特殊疑问词用what colour如: My hat is blue . ---What colour is your hat?8. 划线部分是“数量”,特殊疑问词用how many或how much如:I can see five kites .---How many kites can you see ?There is some milk in the glass. ---How much milk is there in the glass ?9.划线部分是“多少钱”,特殊疑问词用how much如:This pen is nine yuan . ---How much is this pen ?10.划线部分是“形容词性物主代词或名词性物主代词”,特殊疑问词用whose如:That is my book . ---Whose book is that ?The bag is yours. ---Whose is the bag ?11.划线部分是“交通方式”,特殊疑问词用how如 :I often go to school on foot.---How do you often go to school?12.划线部分是“原因”,特殊疑问词用"why"如:I like summer,because I like swimming.--Why do you like summer?








1.改标点改冒号为逗号,删掉前后引号。 2.改人称如果说话内容中是第一人称“我”或“我们”,应把“我”或“我们”改为第三人称“他(她)”或“他(她)们”;如果说话内容中是第二人称“你”或“你们”,应把“你”或“你们”改为第一人称“我”、“我们”或第三人称“他(们)。 一种特殊情况:说话内容中有连用同性别或同音第三人称的,须指明其中一个,否则,就会造成对象不清。比如:孙子对祖父说:“老虎就在这里。我去把它叫醒。” 这里如果改成“他去把它叫醒”,就会让听话人不明白对象。那么,转换后的句子就应当是:孙子对祖父说,老虎就在那里。他去把老虎叫醒。

