Pandas are a well-known animal species native to China. They are best known for their black and white fur, round face, and short body structure. Pandas are herbivores, mainly eating bamboo, but also consume other foods such as fruits, eggs, and fish.
Pandas are shy and solitary animals, mainly found in the bamboo forests of the Qiongya Mountain Range in southwestern China. It is estimated that there are less than 2,000 pandas remaining in the wild, making them a vulnerable species. However, due to conservation efforts and captive breeding programs, the panda's population has been increasing.
Visitors can observe the pandas at the research base, where they are given a natural habitat to roam around in. Pandas are known to be very playful and peaceful animals, but they can also be temperamental, especially when it comes to mating season.
Overall, the panda is a unique and adorable animal that has captured the hearts of people all over the world. Their保育和繁育 help us better understand and appreciate this iconic species.