我看到了憨态可掬的大熊猫、美丽的长颈鹿、高大的骆驼……其中我最喜爱小猴子。Today, I went to the zoo. I saw a naive panda, beautiful giraffe, tall camel. One of my favorite little monkey.小猴子真机灵。一只小猴子抢到食物,就用两只前爪迅速地剥开皮,吃了起来。它一边吃,一边还警惕地向四周张望,生怕有其它猴子来抢它的食物呢!The little monkey is really clever. A little monkey grab the food, with the two front paws quickly peeling, and began to eat it. While eating, while also carefully looked around, for fear of the other monkeys to take its food!