1. Affect / Effect:- Affect(动词)表示对某事物产生影响或改变,是一种行为。例句:His words affected her deeply.(他的话对她产生了深深的影响。)- Effect(名词)表示结果、影响或效果。例句:The effect of the medication was immediate.(药物的效果立竿见影。)
2. Accept / Except:- Accept(动词)表示接受、同意或承认。例句:She accepted the job offer without hesitation.(她毫不犹豫地接受了这份工作的offer。)- Except(介词)表示除了、排除。例句:Everyone was present except for John.(除了约翰,大家都到场了。)
3. Their / There / They're:- Their(代词)表示他们的,属于他们的。例句:Their house is located in the suburbs.(他们的房子位于郊区。)- There(副词)表示那里,用于指示地点。例句:The bookstore is over there.(书店在那边。)- They're 是 "they are" 的缩写形式。例句:They're coming to visit next week.(他们下周要来访问。)
4. Hear / Here:- Hear(动词)表示听到,接收声音。例句:I can hear music playing in the background.(我能听到背景音乐在播放。)- Here(副词)表示这里,指示某个位置或地点。例句:Please come here and have a seat.(请过来坐下。)
5. Principle / Principal:- Principle(名词)表示原则、准则或基本概念。例句:He always adheres to his principles.(他始终遵守自己的原则。)- Principal(名词)表示校长或主要的,也可表示资本的本金。例句:The principal of the school greeted the students.(学校的校长向学生们问好。)这些只是一些常见的形近词和同音词,希望能对你有所帮助。记住,如果遇到这些词汇时要仔细检查上下文,以确保选用正确的词汇。