1. "Look at me. I will never pass for a perfect bride, or a perfect daughter, or a perfect wife. But I was born to be a warrior."(看着我,我永远不会成为一个完美的新娘、女儿或妻子。
2. "Yes, my lord, I will bring honor to us all."(是的,我的主人,我会给我们所有人带来荣耀。)
3. "The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all."(在逆境中绽放的花朵是最罕见和美丽的。)
4. "A single grain of rice can tip the scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat."(一粒稻谷可以倾覆天平。一个人可能成为胜利和失败之间的区别。)
5. "The greatest gift and honor is having you for a daughter."(最伟大的礼物和荣誉就是有你做女儿。)