以下是一些与清明节相关的英语句子:Qingming Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday for commemorating and honoring our ancestors.(清明节是中国传统的纪念和祭拜祖先的节日。)On Qingming Day, families visit the graves of their deceased relatives to pay their respects and offer prayers.(在清明节这一天,家人们会前往已故亲人的墓地,表示敬意并祈祷。)Qingming Festival is a time for remembering the past and cherishing the memories of our loved ones.(清明节是回忆过去、珍惜亲人记忆的时刻。)It is customary to clean and tidy up the graves on Qingming Festival, symbolizing the respect and care for our ancestors.(在清明节,人们习惯清理和整理墓地,象征着对祖先的尊敬和关怀。)Qingming Festival is also a time for outdoor activities like hiking and picnicking, as the weather is usually pleasant and suitable for such occasions.(清明节也是户外活动的好时机,如徒步和野餐,因为天气通常很宜人,适合这些活动。)这些句子涵盖了清明节的主要活动和意义,有助于向外国友人介绍这一中国传统节日。