Lieutenant, let's do it fast, okay ?少尉,咱们行动得利索点,成吧?It 's getting late ,/ let's call it a day .天晚了,今天就收了吧。
Let's pull up stakes and get out of here .让我们收拾摊子,离开这里算了。I'm choking to death. let's get some air .我快给憋死了,咱们换换空气去。Let's cope with the matter fair and square .让我们光明正大地处理这件事。Let's have supper. it looks marvellous .咱们吃饭吧,晚饭准备得丰盛极了。Let's have a nightcap and then go to bed .我们喝杯酒再去睡吧。Let's go for a sail this afternoon .今天下午我们乘船去游玩吧。Let's call it quits. what do you say ?我们就此算了吧,你说呢?Let's try on the plans for size .我们来讨论一下这些方案,看看是否行得通。