






1. 以主题词为词串。

2.以主题词中相同的字母进行词汇叠加。枯燥的单词,对于小学生来说,难以记住,而通过字谜游戏,可以让学生轻松、愉快地记住单词。crossword puzzle是一个益智游戏,学会了,不仅可以自主复习词汇,还可以让他人挑战,真是一举两得。

1. Which letter is an animal?哪个字母是一个动物?【答案】B(Bee)

2. Which letter stands for the ocean?哪个字母代表海洋?【答案】C(sea)

3. Which letter is a question?哪个字母是一个问题?【答案】Y(why)

4. Which letter is your eye?哪个字母是你的眼睛?【答案】I(eye)

5. Which letter is a vegetable?哪个字母是一种蔬菜?【答案】P(pea)豌豆词汇篇

6. Which fruit is never found singly?什么水果永远都不会是单数?【答案】pear(梨),pear 和 pair(一双)读音相同7. Which hand do you write with?你用哪只手写字?【答案】neither (I use a pen!都不用,我用笔!)8. What man cannot live in a house?什么人不能住在房子里?【答案】snowman(雪人)9. You have it. You read it. There're some pictures in it. What is it?你拥有它,你可以阅读它,它有些图片在里面,它是什么?【答案】book(书)10. A mouse has a large pocket. What is it?一种鼠有一个大袋子,它是什么?【答案】kangaroo(袋鼠)11. It has a head,but no neck. It has a body,but no warmth. It can travel without feet. What is it?它有头,但没有脖子,有身体,但不温暖,没有脚,却能旅行。【答案】car(汽车)1

2. What will you break once you say it?什么东西你说出来就打破了它?【答案】silence(沉默)1

3. Which word is pronounced wrong, even by the best of scholars?哪个单词即使是最好的学者来念都念错?【答案】wrong(错)1

4. Which animal is taller sitting down than standing up?什么动物坐着比站着高?【答案】dog(狗)1

5. What is black when it's clean and white when it’s dirty?什么东西干净的时候是黑色的,脏的时候是白色的?【答案】blackboard(黑板)1

6. What has four eyes but cannot see?什么有四个眼睛,但是看不见?【答案】Mississippi (密西西比 ,有 4 个 i,但是因为是地名,所以看不见。 )17. What can you catch but cannot throw?什么东西你能抓住但是不能扔掉?【答案】cold(感冒,英文表达为 catch a cold)18. What is deaf and dumb but always tells the truth?什么是聋哑的,但是却总是告诉我们真相?【答案】mirror(镜子)19. What has a tongue but cannot talk?什么东西有舌头但是却不会说话?【答案】hat(帽子,包含鸭舌帽)20. What is full when it's used and empty when it rest?什么东西在使用它的时候是满的,在它休息的时候是空的?【答案】shoe(鞋)21. What's the poorest bank in the world?世界上最贫穷的银行是什么?【答案】bank(河岸,bank 除了银行还有河岸的意思)2

2. What's too much for two and just right for one?什么东西对两个人来说太多,一个人刚刚好?【答案】secret(秘密,因为两个人都知道就不是秘密了)2

3. What has two legs but cannot walk?什么东西有两条腿却不能走路?【答案】compass(圆规)2

4. What always goes up and never goes down?什么东西永远只升不降?【答案】age(年龄)思考篇2

5. What question can you never answer “Yes” to?什么问题你永远也不能回答“是”?【答案】Are you dead?(你死了吗?)/ Are you asleep?(你睡着了吗?)2

6. What do every couple have in common?每一对夫妻都有的共同点是什么?【答案】They're married on the same day.(他们都在同一天结婚。)27. What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?哪个五个字母的单词当你去掉两个字母后,还剩 6?【答案】sixth,去掉后是 six。

28. What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself?什么东西是你的但是别人却用的比你多?【答案】your name(你的名字)29. What tree is always sad?什么树总是很伤心?【答案】weeping willow(垂柳,weeping 是哭的意思,willow 是柳树的意思)30. What is heavier in summer than in winter?什么东西夏天比冬天重?【答案】traffic to the beach(去海滩的车流,heavy 除了重的意思,还有交通量大、繁忙的意思)
