Twenty nine steamed buns.2、初一的饺子。Dumplings on the first day of junior high school.3、二十五擂大鼓。Twenty five drums.4、二十八白面发。Twenty eight white hair.5、二十九贴倒有。There are 29 stickers.6、初二的面。The second day of junior high school.7、大年初一街上走。On the first day of the lunar new year.8、大年初一扭一扭。At the beginning of the new year.9、二十五去碾谷。Twenty five to grind the grain.10、二十七宰公鸡。Twenty seven kill the cock.11、二十六去买肉。Twenty six to buy meat.12、初三合子往家转。On the third day of junior high school, he went home.13、二十八把面发。Twenty eight pairs of noodles.14、二十六炖大肉。Twenty six stewed meat.15、二十三糖瓜粘。Twenty three sugar gourd paste.16、十三糖瓜粘。Thirteen sugar gourd paste.17、二十四扫房子。Twenty four sweep the house.18、初一饺子初二面。First day dumplings, second day.19、三十晚上坐一宿。Thirty nights for a night.20、三十晚上扭一扭。A twist in the evening.21、二十九蒙香斗。Twenty nine Mongolian joss sticks.22、二十五窟窿堵。Twenty five holes are blocked.23、二十七去宰鸡。Twenty seven to kill the chicken.24、正月十五元霄圆。The sky is round at 15 yuan in the first month.