do not的缩写形式don't。
意思是:不是、不愿意。例句:1、I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm hungry.我不知道你们怎么样,但我是饿了。
2、Don't tell me you can't remember.不要告诉我你记不起来了。
3、I certainly don't remember talking to you at all.我当然完全不记得和你讲过话。
4、Donot use coarse language!! otherwise, I will request the editor to delete your ID.你是想说foul language吧,不是我说你,你那个词霸真的过时了。
5、Theydonotlike to be restricted in the complicated conventions, but to releash their emotion piquantly.他们不希望把自己的行为束缚在复杂的条条框框中,他们希望痛快的发泄自己的情绪。
6、If youdonotwant to practice and so can the pursuit of Baotou, I can only give you Goodluck!如果你不想这么练而可以追求爆头的话,我只能送你Goodluck!其他英语缩写:1、have not的缩写形式 haben't2、does not的缩写形式 doesn't3、should not缩写形式 shouldn't4、are not缩写形式 aren't5、can not缩写形式can't5、did not的缩写形式 didn't