数学算式(也称为代数式)的英文说法如下:Two and three is five.二加三等于五。(三下五除二。)Two plus three equals five.二加三等于五。Five minus two is three.五减二等于三。(三上二除五。)Two from five leaves three.五减二等于三。Twice five is ten.五的二倍是十。Two multiplied by five is ten.二乘以五等于十。(二五一十。)Ten divided by two is five.十除以二等于五。Two into ten goes five times.十除以二等于五。(二一添作五。)Two squared is four.二的平方等于四。Two cubed is eight.二的立方等于八。The square root of four is two.四的平方根是二。The cubic root of eight is two.八的立方根是二