line, side of the road.减速慢行勿争先,关照生命到永远。
Don't rushed to slow down, take care of life forever.违章与事故同在,守纪与安全永存。Violation with accident, discipline and security forever.安全是生命之本,违章是事故之源。Safety is the soul of life, violate the rules and relations is the source of the accident.宁停三分为安全,礼让三先保平安。Better stop three divided into safety,ity three safety first.忍一忍风平浪静,让一让海阔天空。Endure a endure a cal ke a briter.文明礼让安全在,瞬间麻痹事故来。Safety in civilizationity, instantaneous paralysis to the accident.