首先,我先请一下,标准的相册说法是:Photograph Album, 原因如下: 下面是朗文当代英英字典的权威解释,我将其抄过来,你看一下区别就清楚了。 Album 的两个解释:
1 a group of songs or pieces of music on a CD, tape etc: eg.The band plan to release their new album next week.
首先,我先请一下,标准的相册说法是:Photograph Album, 原因如下: 下面是朗文当代英英字典的权威解释,我将其抄过来,你看一下区别就清楚了。 Album 的两个解释:
1 a group of songs or pieces of music on a CD, tape etc: eg.The band plan to release their new album next week.