B:That's pretty advanced.A:到离开办公室的时间了,首先我得注销我的电脑,然后我设置电子安全系统。
A:Now I'll quickly send a short message to my wife and take the elevator down to the basement.B:真是太先进了。B:Is that where you park?A:现在我要快速地发一条短讯给我的妻子,然后乘电梯去地下室。A:Yes ,the car park is under constant video surveillance , so my car is quite safe. Please get in.B:这就是你停车的地方吗?B:Thank you. Where is your key?A:是的,停车场有录像监控,我的车很安全。请进。A:There's no need , I have keyless entry , and the steering wheel recognizes my finger prints before starting the car. Now,we can look at the navigation system to find the best route home.B:好的,你的钥匙呢?B:That's amazing, it even shows all the roads that are congested at the moment.A:没这种必要,我有指纹感应,方向盘在我开车前会自动识别我的指纹。现在我们可以看看导向系统以找出最佳的回家路线。A:Using GPS I can rely on this to direct me home. Now I just need to find my E-Card to automatically open the gate and we can drive out.B:太不可思议,它甚至把现在交通堵塞的地方都显示出来。B:Pretty soon cars will be driving Lhemselves.A:我可以依靠全球定位系统的引导回家,现在我只需找出我的电子卡就可把大门打开,我们就可开车出去了。A:Maybe , but in the meantime why not help me find the remote control for my garage door?B:很快,车就可自动开了。B:Here it is,and here we are.A:可能会吧,你能帮忙我找找遥控把车房打开吗?A:When I tum off my home alarm ,the house will automatically tum on the lights and set the climate to a comfortable level.B:找到了,给你。我们到家了。B:I have to get home, but I don't need all of this fancy technology,l think I'Il just walk.A:当我把家里的警报关掉后,电灯就会自动开启,同时把室温调到宜人的温度。B:我得回家了,我不需要这些高科技,我想我走路就行了。