adj. 幸福的;高兴的;巧妙的I was much happier in my old job .我做我原先的那份工作要带劲得多。Goldetein was feeling rather happy now .戈尔斯坦此刻觉得倒也愉快。I made no doubt of her being extremely happy .我毫不怀疑她快乐至极。You must try to strike a happy medium .你必须设法采取折衷的态度。They are happy , nor need we worry .他们很幸福,我们实际上也不必担心。Now the old man is living a happy life .而今,这位老人过着幸福的生活。He will be a happy fellow who gets her !谁娶了她,真是艳福不浅!Well, a girl can be happy anywhere .嗯,女孩子总可以随遇而安的。Men and women are happy when they love .男女相爱的时候是幸福的。