May all hopes and ideals flourish in spring.2、想把春风和你一同拥入我怀里。Want to bring spring breeze and you,Hold it together in my arms.3.“外面的花已经开的很像样了,我看到风拥作一团,前来祝贺。”"The flowers outside have blossomed very well. I saw the wind crowding together and came to congratulate me."4、愿春天早来,花枝春满,山河无恙,人间皆安。May spring come early, flowers spring full, mountains and rivers safe, and the world safe.5.、“雪融化后是什么?”“是春天吧。”"What is after the snow melts?" "It's spring.6、这些美好的事物仿佛把我往春天的路上带,所以我一次次按住内心的雪。These beautiful things seem to take me on the way to spring, so I hold down the snow inside again and again.7.、错过秋枫冬雪便会迎来春天的樱花,希望如约而至的除了春天, 还有疫情过后平安的你,愿世界平安,你我皆好。If you miss the winter snow in Qiu Feng, you will welcome the cherry blossom in spring. Besides spring, there will also be peace after the epidemic. May the world be safe and you and me be well.8、四季初始万物复苏 ,一切都会好起来的At the beginning of the four seasons, everything will recover and everything will be fine.9.、春风如约而至,一定会吹满每个角落。As promised, the spring breeze will blow everywhere.10、春暖花开,春归燕来,我携清风入你怀。Spring is warm and blooming, spring comes back to Yan, I bring the cool breeze into your arms.11、愿人随春好,春与人宜。May spring be good for everyone and suitable for everyone.12、从此雪消风自软,梅花合让柳条新。Since then, the snow has dissipated and the wind has softened, and the plum blossom has renewed the willow branches.