1. 自我介绍:Hello everyone, let me introduce myself. My name is ___. I'm a ___ (职位) at the ___ (部门) department. I'm responsible for ___ (工作职责).
2. 介绍公司:Our company is ___ (公司名称), located in ___ (地址). We are a leading company in the field of ___ (业务领域). We have about ___ employees across ___ locations. Our mission is to ___ (公司目标/产品/服务).
4. 请同事帮忙:Would you please help me ___ (需求)? I'd appreciate your help with ___ (需要帮助的事项). If you have time, I was hoping you could ___ (要求).
5. 会议开场白:Thank you all for coming. The goal of this meeting is to ___ (会议目的). First, let's welcome our guests ___. Agenda for today: ___(议题1), ___(议题2), ___(议题3)...Let's get started, shall we?
7. 日常问候:Good morning/afternoon, everyone! How's everything going? Have a nice day! See you around. Let's cat1�达,职场交流更加顺畅。