翻译Time 词典1. (时间,光阴)
time: 虚度时光pass one's time idly; 时光不早了。
I loitered away the time in looking through the shop windows.
2. (时期,日子)times; years; days:想起往昔的美好时光 think of good old times: 度过一段非常愉快的时光have a rattling time
翻译Time 词典1. (时间,光阴)
time: 虚度时光pass one's time idly; 时光不早了。
I loitered away the time in looking through the shop windows.
2. (时期,日子)times; years; days:想起往昔的美好时光 think of good old times: 度过一段非常愉快的时光have a rattling time